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Dr. Samia ALSayed Ahmed El Haj
American Resident ( Green Card)
Married with 3 Children
English ( Excellent )



Dr. Samia El Haj
A54 Military Hospital
PO Box 7897, Riyadh 11159
Tel. & Fax Home : 009661-4810705
Mobile No.: (00-966)-0503197260 or 0503197261
Office:(009661) 4777714 Ext., 26658 –25311
Email :

Al Ain High Secondary School : 1973 – 1976

U.A.E. School Certificate with Very Good

MB ChB, 1982 Very Good with Honors
Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.
Diploma in Tropical Medicine (DTM), 1994.
Royal College of Physicians & Royal College of Surgeons Ireland.

MRCP ( Ireland ), 2006



***Sudan Medical Council, Khartoum on 5/8/1984
***United Arab Emirates Medical License for Medical Specialist 2008
*Saudi Commission for Health Specialties : Medical Specialist - Internal Medicine No.: 02-R-M-381.

Present Post:
 Oncology/ Hematology Assistant Consultant
 Prince Sultan Oncology/ Hematology Center
 King Fahad Medical City December, 2007 until now.

Oncology/Hematology Assistant Consultant duties:

A.Regular day-time duties (from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.):

Ward inpatient service duties in rotation monthly covering either hematology or oncology wards:
1- Oncolgy Wards Service:
* In oncology daily rounds with consultant oncologist besides seeing inpatients examining, planning, investigating newly diagnosed cancer patients who needs work up for confirming diagnosis , staging or treatment planning with chemotherapy, surgery or radiotherapy.
* Prescribing chemotherapy protocol for cancer patients on chemotherapy sessions, reviewing daily laboratory & radiology results of admitted patients.
* Preparing difficult cases that need discussion in tumor boards with surgeons, pathologists and radiologists ; reviewing results in tumor board meetings and planning treatment, sharing discussions and presenting such cases.

2- Hematology wards service:
* looking after inpatients with lymphoma or leukemia who are already on induction or consolidation chemotherapy protocols for already diagnosed patients or carrying work up investigations for newly diagnosed leukemia such as bone marrow biopsy or intrathecal procedure.
*Follow up of daily results, adjusting relevant problems for example electrolytes, fluid replacement or transfusion of blood or blood products.
*Involving relevant services by other health professionals such as social workers, psychologists or bone marrow transplant coordinators who are part of hematology / oncology team.
*At discharge time arranging OPD follow up or readmission time.
* Preparing medical reports for patients who need follow ups at other hospitals.
3. Teaching activities: Teaching residents and interns who are part of the service team. Sharing academic activities by selecting and presenting tutorials to other colleagues and participating in journal club presentations. Guiding, supervising & training medical students in clinical practice.
4. Consultation service: This is a monthly rotation in either hematology or oncology.
a. Oncology Consultation Service:
Receiving referrals from other departments with pathology proof of cancer diagnosis & admitting them in oncology wards and planning other investigations required for staging of disease after discussion with the oncology consultant in service or may be treated in oncology, OPD or preparing them for tumor board discussion.
*Receiving oncology patients in emergency room during day time arranging their admission if necessary or discharging them with OPD follow up after adjusting their acute problems in E.R.
b. Hematology consultation service:
Recieving consultation from other departments with hematology problems such as platelets, coagulation profile dearrangement or suspected lymphoma, leukemia or plastic aneamia admission that need further investigation or chemotherapy treatment by transferring them to hematology unit in agreement with the consultant in consultation service.

B. Emergencey duties:
* Usually after 4 p. m. receiving calls from medical residents covering wards and adjusting acute problems in inpatients.
* Transferring patients to ICU if needed by arrangement with ICU team on-call.
* Receiving calls from emergency room admitting patients with hematology and oncology patients managing their acute problems and informing the consultant on call about their present situations.
* Weekend on-calls for 3 days from Wednesday afternoon until Saturday morning once per month, starting by attending signing out meeting at the end of Wednesday and hand over from colleagues in service by presenting their patients and endorse those who need certain managements during weekend. This duty necessitates doing rounds with the consultant during Thursday and Friday mornings reviewing all oncology and hematology patients in the wards and adjusting their problems by taking action and admitting patients presented in E.R. with active problems either hematology or oncology cases. This duty usually ends up by presenting the admissions and discussing active issues of admitted patients that came up during the weekend and endorsing relevant actions & problems so that collegues in service are aware and carry on.

Previous position: Specialist (Registrar)
Accident & Emergency Department
Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
July 2005 until Augaust 2007 .

A/E Medicine Duties :

The routine daily duty is divided into the following three shifts:

a. Day time from 7:30 am - 4:00 pm
b. Afternoon 4:00 pm – 12:00 pm
c. Night duty from 12:00 pm – 7:30 am Rotating in 3 main areas follows:

1- Triage :

a. Screening pool of patients both adults and pediatrics with
medical or surgical problems

b Deciding the admission through A/E

c Sending cold & chronic cases to PHC

d Admitting critically unstable patients to A/E resuscitation

e Starting management and admitting relatively stable patients
of both surgical & medical problems fast track area.

f Requesting laboratory and radiological investigations
according to the needs.

2- Fast Track Areas :

i Seeing medical cases under care of various subspecialties
such nephrology , neurology , cardiology, endocrinology
with active medical problems & assessing their clinical
ii After reviewing the ECG, laboratory & radiological results
and evaluating the clinical conditions , patients are either
treated & discharged after fixing OPD appointments for
follow up

iii Starting management of surgical patients and referring them
to general or subspecialty surgeon – on call

iv Upgrading unstable patients with active problems who
require further care as in –patients in A/E main area.

3- Main Area :

i- Evaluating patients with different medical problems after
assessing them clinically & reviewing their results ( ECG,
X-ray & Lab. results)

ii- Initiating management & medical referring them to relevant
medical or surgical subspecialties

iii- Looking after critically ill – patients in the resuscitation
room , investigating, treating and stabilizing them
with the help of on –call doctors of relevant medical or
surgical subspecialties

Previous position: Registrar NOV.1995 - JUNE 2003
Family & Community Medicine
Riyadh Military Hospital,
P. O. Box 7897, Riyadh 11159

Duties includes
** Walking sessions: sorting out pools of patients with different medical and surgical problems by immediate treatment and arranging consultations in specialized units e.g. ENT, ophthalmology, gynecology, orthopedics or give appointments for follow up by PHC physician, arranging referral for acute problems to on-call teams e.g. medical, surgical or gynae, cases.
**Booked sessions: looking after and managing patients with different chronic medical problems e.g. diabetes, hypertension, depression, stroke.
**Antenatal clinic: seeing females, investigating & following up of pregnant ladies in first & second trimester. Investigating and treating ladies with gynecological problems or arranging appointments with gynecologists or obstetricians.

**Other PHC Clinics:
Staff Health Clinic
Senior Officers Clinic
Air Base Clinic
Royal Guard Clinic & other peripheral clinics
Home Support (Home Care)
Well Baby Clinic

Registrar (Chief Resident): August 1997-April 1999
Respiratory Medicine Division, Department of Medicine,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Duties and Responsibilities:
The duties are mainly divided as follows :-
I. In-patients
II. Consultations
III. Clinics
IV. General Medicine on-call rota
V. Teaching Activities

I. In-patients :-

Daily ward rounds with residents to perform the following duties:
a. Looking after the new admissions whether booked emergency cases or patients in High Dependency Unit (HDU).
b. Initiating or following up of the investigations results and monitoring progress of the clinical response to current management.
c. Informing the Consultant about any changes in patient’s conditions.
d. Preparing for grand rounds and following plans of management and investigations. Advising the residents and participating in the presentation of cases, grand rounds involve in-patients in General Wards, ICU and H.D.U. besides seeing and discussing difficult consultation cases.

II. Consultations :-

i. Receiving referrals from different Surgical and Medical Teams
for managing patients with chest problems.
ii. Preoperative assessment and management of patients with chest
problems going for surgical operations.
iii. Initiation of TB treatment in-patients proved to be tubercles by
iv. Receiving consultation of patients on immune-suppressive
treatment with deterioration of respiratory status that might need Bronchoscope or BAL to prove or exclude opportunistic infection e.g. patients with Leukemia, Lymphoma or Renal Transplantation.
Discussing such cases with senior registrar in respiratory medicine for arranging bronchoscope etc.
v. Referral from different medical teams-general or subspecialties
When they are converted with difficult cases of chest problem that necessitate opinion of respiratory physician or arranging special
respiratory investigation e.g. Sleep study bronchoscope, or for the need of follow up in Chest Clinic.

III. Clinics:
Attending the following clinics :
1.Chest clinic twice weekly.
• Seeing newly referred patients following up patients of Chronic Chest such as Asthma Bronchiactesis.
2.T.B Clinic:-
Once a week
*Initiating treatment and following up of Tubercles patients with
different types of T.B infections such as Pulmonary or Extrapulmonary
E.g. T.B Lymhadenitis, Pericarditis or Milliard T.B

IV. General Medicine on-call rota:
1. Doing 4-5 on-call as medical registrar, helping first on call in taking
history eliciting physical signs and interpreting lab results, E.C.G., chest
X-rays, C.T. brains, etc.
2. Making decisions for admissions.
3. Initiating management.
4. Informing I.C.U or HDU team about admission of critically ill patients.
5. Receiving patients under surgery with acute medical problems.
6. Looking after patients under surgery with acute medical problems.
7. Receiving patients from and giving advice to primary care team.
8. Leading Cardiac code team whenever, wherever there is cardiac arrest in the hospital.
9. Taking opinion of the third on call (senior registrar) whenever there is
a difficult case.
10. Covering medical wards for all in patients as a second on call.

V. Teaching Activities:
Involved in the following teaching sessions
1. Daily morning hand over meetings
2. Once a week departmental journal club meeting.
3. Monthly interesting case presentation alternating between all medical and surgical teams.
4. Attending academic activities for preparation of part II M.R.C.P, Saudi Arab Board such as-short case sessions.

Senior House Officer: May 1996- July 1997
Family and Community Medicine, Riyadh Military Hospital, P.O.B. 7897, Riyadh 11159.

I. Walk in patients:
Receiving walks in-patients an initiating management.
Sorting out patients with acute problems that need emergency care.
Either by investigation and treatment of admission after referral on-call team in different specialties.

II. Patients with appointments:
Reviewing results of previous investigations & putting diagnosis and treatment needed. Care of patients with chronic illness such as diabetes.
Hypertension and chronic asthma.

III. Emergency duties:
Receiving patients from emergency for follow-up in clinic

Senior House Officer (Locum): 15/11/1995 to 30/04/1996

Department of Medicine, Military Hospital, Riyadh.

I. Working with different medical units in rotation:

* Daily rounds with the relevant medical team.
* Clerking, examination and follow-up of results of booked admissions from the clinics or other hospitals.

* Closed care of admitted patients with unstable medical problems.
* Interpretation of frequent laboratory results in such critically ill patients.
* Resolving problems that need further discussion with the senior staff for immediate management.
* Attending medical clinics with consultants in various medical specialties.

II. On-call duties:

a. Emergency on-call duties:
• Working as first medical on-call in emergency.
• Receiving cases that need admission or further referral to specialized medical clinics.
• Clerking, assessing and initiating management of admitted patients together with the second on-call. b. Wards on-call duties:

b. Wards on-call-duties:
i. Care of patients in medical wards under different medical units who
develop acute problems during on-call duties.
ii. Receiving referral of patients with medical problems from other
departments for consultation, active management for further follow-up.
iii. Clerking booked admissions that are received from other hospitals
during the on-call duties and initiating management

c. Hand-over meetings:
• Attending hand-over meetings on daily basis and participating in discussions of the problems that are met during the emergency or ward on-call duties.
• Presenting cases as emergency or booked admissions & answering queries regarding physical findings. Diagnosis or treatment stated during the on-call duties.

Primary Health Care Resident: for 6 years,
17/9/1409-16/9/1415 (23/4/1989-15/2/1995):
King Abdul Aziz University Hospital, P.O. Box 245,
Riyadh 11411, Saudi Arabia.
Duties: Working in Primary Health Care Clinics
• Additional duties in Accident & Emergency Department.
• Management of PHC patients
• Follow up of patients with chronic illness such as Diabetics and Hypertension.
• Arrangement of further consultations at the specialized clinics e.g. Neurology, Psychiatry, ENT etc.
• Arrangement admissions for patients.
• Extra duties at the Accident and Emergency Dept.
• Supervision and teaching of undergraduates and Interns at PHC.
• Participating in continuing education by presenting & attending lectures, seminars and other activities.
• Attending seminars, Symposia and clinical meetings in fields of Medicine and Primary Health Care, Saudi Arabia.

Resident in Pediatrics: for 2 years (8/2/1986-17/1/1988) Pediatrics Department, Prince Salman Hospital, MOH, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Duties: Working in different units: Pediatrics Clinic, Wards, Emergency and Special Care Units.
Resident in Obstetrics & Gynecology: June 1984 until November 1984: Khartoum University Hospital, Sudan.
Duties: Working in Obstetrics & Gynecology Department.

House Officer: 5/6/1983-12/6/1984, Souba University Hospital and Khartoum University Hospital, Sudan.
Duties: Three months rotation in Pediatrics, Surgery, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department
Director, Dept. of General Medicine
Military Hospital, P.O. Box 7897
Riyadh 11159, Saudi Arabia
Senior Consultant, PHC
King Khalid University Hospital
College of Medicine, King Saud University
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Senior Consultant, Gastroenterology Dept.
Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Head of Respiratory Medicine
Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Senior Consultant, General Medicine
Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Consultant, Family & Community Medicine
Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Consultant, Family & Community Medicine
Military Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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