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Eva Galvez's picture

Eva M. Galvez, MD is a board certified family physician in Hillsboro, Oregon. She obtained her medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine in 2004. Dr. Galvez has been working in federally qualified health centers since her residency training which she completed in 2007 at Sea Mar Community Health Center in Washington state. Since 2010, she has been employed by Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center and manages a busy panel of patients, most of whom are Spanish speaking and immigrants. She is committed to providing high quality, compassionate, and culturally appropriate care to the people of her state. As the daughter of Mexican immigrants and seasonal farmworkers she has a special interest in the health issues facing immigrant families and seasonal farm workers. Dr. Galvez also serves as a teacher for family medicine students. She believes that she has a responsibility to help train the future generation of family physicians and most importantly, in bringing awareness to future doctors regarding the barriers and social determinants affecting immigrants. She has served as a family medicine clinical instructor for University of Washington School of Medicine and currently serves as a clinical preceptor for family medicine residents from the Wright Center. She is a member of the American Academy of Family Physicians and currently serves on the scientific advisory on the Project to Prevent and Reduce Adverse Health Effects of Pesticides on Indigenous Farmworkers. She is a proud wife and mother of two children.

Eva M. Galvez, MD, tiene certificación como médica de familia y vive en Hillsboro, Oregon. En 2004, ella recibió su título en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington. Terminó su residencia en 2007, en Sea Mar Community Health Center, y desde entonces la Dra. Galvez ha trabajado en centros de salud federalmente calificados. Desde 2010, ha trabajado en el Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center, donde atiende a un gran número de pacientes, en su mayoria inmigrantes hispanohablantes. Ella tiene el compromiso de ofrecer, a todas las personas de su estado, atención médica de excellente calidad, humana y adaptada a sus culturas. Como hija de inmigrantes mexicanos y trabajadores agrícolas temporales, tiene especial interés en los desafios de salud que enfrentan las familias inmigrantes y los trabajadores agrícolas temporales. La Dra. Galvez también enseña a estudiantes de medicina familiar. Ella considera que tiene la responsabilidad de ayudar a formar la futura generación de médicos de familia y, sobre todo, de sensibilizar a los futuros médicos sobre las barreras y determinantes culturales que afectan a los inmigrantes. Ella se ha desempeñado como docente de medicina familiar clínica en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington y actualmente tiene el cargo de tutora clínica de los residentes de medicina familiar del Wright Center. Ella es miembro de la American Academy of Family Physicians y en la actualidad forma parte del consejo consultivo científico del Proyecto para Prevenir y Reducir los Efectos Adversos en la Salud de los Pesticidas en Trabajadores Agrícolas Indígenas. Ella es una esposa orgullosa y madre de dos hijos.

mnapolitano's picture

Dr. Napolitano, FNP, PhD is the Director of the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program and an Associate Professor at the University of Portland, School of Nursing. In addition to her university work, Dr. Napolitano works with the Migrant Head Start Program and Virginia Garcia Health Center in Corenelius, Oregon to provide clinical services on their mobile van during the migrant season. Dr. Napolitano has a wealth of international experience with clinical work in Latin America, Asia and Canada. In addition to her leadership with MCN, Dr. Napolitano is the Chief Examiner for Nurse Practitioners in British Columbia (OSCE) and a Consultant with the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia.

lysmith's picture

33 years nursing experience in Home Health and Public Health working with diverse and underserved populations. 10 years of that in program management.

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