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Five on Friday: Support for Health Centers in Hurricanes
Thu, 09/13/2018 | by MCN Admin
Another very full week here at Migrant Clinicians Network! Here are some updates from the world of public health and health justice that we thought you’d enjoy, chosen by MCN staff members.
Five on Friday: Labor Day
Thu, 08/30/2018 | by MCN Admin
Thank you to the mobile laborers across the country -- agricultural workers, construction workers, post-disaster clean-up and demolition workers -- who are often overlooked during our Labor Day festivities but make up an essential part of our economy and our culture. Here are a few articles that were recommended by MCN staff this week. Enjoy your three-day weekend!
Five on Friday: Banning Chlorpyrifos & The Mental Health Crisis After Maria
Thu, 08/09/2018 | by MCN Admin
Five on Friday: Farmworker Shortage & Dialysis for the Undocumented
Thu, 08/02/2018 | by MCN Admin
August is here! Only a few more days of peace before the rush of back-to-school madness. As you settle into your quiet August weekend, take a moment to read some of the news articles, reports, and opinion pieces that MCN staff sent around this week. What did you read that we should include? Let us know on Facebook.