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ImmuNews August 2010
Over the last three years, we have touched on many topics that we hoped would help you as you work to improve immunization rates in your clinic. For the final edition, we return to the important issue of patient-carried immunization records.
- Immunews 0810 ( 79 Kb )
ImmuNews June 2010
Special Bulletin: Outbreak of pertussis (whooping cough) in California
For Immediate Attention:
- Immunews 0610 ( 83 Kb )
Are Patient-Held Vaccination Records Associated with Improved Vaccination Coverage Rates?
An article that provides a convincing yes to the title question: “Are Patient-Held Vaccination Records Associated with Improved Vaccination Coverage Rates?” The authors of the article, James T. McElligott and Paul M. Darden, conclude that the “Use of patient-held vaccination records is an easily implemented strategy that is associated with increased immunization rates. A greater effect was seen in groups at risk for underimmunization.
- PatientHeldImmunizationRecords2010 ( 298 Kb )
ImmunNews April 2010
A Shot of Quality Improvement!
Welcome to Immu-News, the Immunization Initiatives listserv, a monthly resource for the community of participants in this project.
- Immunews 0410 ( 123 Kb )
Pertussis - Whooping Cough
This resource from the California Department of Public Health provides facts, information for health professionals, data and surveillance, vaccine, and prevention.
Tos ferina - Whooping Cough: lo que debe saber
Este recurso del CDC ofrece una visión general de la tos ferina , también conocida como Whooping Cough. Los temas incluyen síntomas , propagación, la tos ferina en los EE.UU. y las medidas de prevención.
This resources provides an overview of Pertussis, also known as the Whooping Cough. Topics include symptoms, how its spread, Pertussis in the US and prevention measures.
Pertussis - Whooping Cough – What You Need To Know
This resource from the CDC provides an overview of Pertussis, also known as the Whooping Cough. Topics include symptoms, how its spread, Pertussis in the US and prevention measures.
ImmuNews March 2010
It Takes the Whole Team: Staff Roles in ImmunizationWelcome to Immu-News, the Immunization Initiatives listserv, a monthly resource for the community of participants in this project.Our topic for the month is It Takes the Whole Team: Staff Roles in Immunization. As you know, we’ve been calling each of the Project clinics over the last months and wanted to share with you some interesting ideas about who plays what part in immunization at our clinics.Of course, we all think immediately about the providers and nurses, the people most likely to ad
- Immunews March2010 ( 110 Kb )
Occupational Health Policy 101
Introductory overview of occupational health policy by Farmworker Justice.
- OccupationalHealthPolicy101 2009 ( 7 Mb )
Expanded Availability of Loan Repayment Awards
There has never been a better time to recruit and retain clinicians through the National Health Service Corps(NHSC). Clinicians working in NHSC‐approved sites with HPSA scores as low as zero have greater opportunities and access to funding than ever before in the history of the program.
- NHSC Site Outreach FINAL Jan262010 ( 113 Kb )