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Lake Apopka Farmworkers Environmental Health Project

This reports outlines the findings of a survey designed to document the health problems of African-American, Hispanic, and Haitian former Lake Apopka farmworkers, many of whom are experiencing significant and life-threatening health problems which they believe to be connected to their exposure to multiple sources of environmental contamination.



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Acute Occupational Pesticide- Related Illness in the US 1998-1999: Surveillance Findings From the SENSOR-Pesticides Program

Concern about the adverse public health and environmental effects of pesticide use is persistent. Recognizing the importance of surveillance for acute occupational pesticide-related illness, we report on surveillance for this condition across multiple states. Between 1998 and 1999, a total of 1,009 individuals with acute occupational pesticide-related illness were identified by states participating in the SENSOR-pesticides program. 


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Acute Pesticide- Related Illness Among Working Youths, 1988-1999

The goal of this study was to describe acute occupational pesticide-related illnesses among youths and to provide prevention recommendations. Survey data from 8 states and from poison control center data were analyzed.


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Agricultural Health Study

This NIEHS/EPA/NIOSH study is investigating the effects of environmental, occupational, dietary, and genetic factors on the health of the agricultural population. Over 89,000 individuals are participating in the project. This includes private and commercial pesticide applicators as well as the spouses of these applicators.


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Agricultural Health Training for Rural America

This study, conducted by the West Virginia Rural Health Research Center, identified the availability and characteristics of agricultural medicine training opportunities for health care professionals.  Agricultural workers and their families face numerous threats to health and safety, and yet there is limited information on health care expertise in place to recognize and prevent threats, and to diagnosis and treat agriculturally-related injury and illness.


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Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments

The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) is a network of nurses from around the country (and world) who are acting on the notion that our environment and health are inextricably connected. We are a group of nurses from all walks of our profession – hospital-based, public health, school-based, academics, and advanced practice, to name a few.   


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Assessment of Maternal Occupational Pesticide Exposures during Pregnancy and Three Children with Birth Defects: North Carolina, 2004


In August of 2005, the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch (OEEB) was notified that three women who had worked on farms in North Carolina owned by Ag-Mart had delivered infants with birth defects.  All three births took place in Florida where the women also worked on Ag-Mart farms and lived near each other.  This report summarizes the OEEB’s investigation and assessment of the pesticide exposures likely experienced by these women while in North Carolina. 



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Blueprint for Protecting Children in Agriculture: The 2012 National Action Plan

The 2012 Blueprint for Protecting Children in Agriculture. Awarded 2013 Paper of the year by the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH), this National Action Plan takes an updated look at preventing childhood agricultural injury and death.



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Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries

A preliminary total of fatal work injuries recorded in the United States. According to results from the 
Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) program conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor


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California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program 2010

Summary of Results from the California Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program - 2010.  


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