- Who We Are
- Clinician Employment
- Publications
- Witness to Witness (W2W)
- El Premio Kugel & Zuroweste a la Justicia en la Salud
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
In this link you will find health information from A to Z - prevention & wellness, diseases & conditions, and alternative medicine - plus medical dictionaries, an encyclopedia, journals, and more.
New York Online Access to Health
NOAH provides access to high quality full-text consumer health information in English and Spanish that is accurate, timely, relevant and unbiased.
Sequella Foundation
Sequella is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on commercializing improved treatment paradigms for diseases of epidemic potential.
23rd East Coast Migrant Stream Forum - Presentations
Presentations shared by this year's East Coast presenters. Topics include:
- STD's
- Outreach
- Pesticides
- Obesity
- Research
- And more...
California-Mexico Health Initiative
The Initiative's objective is to coordinate and optimize the availability of health resources for Mexican immigrants and their families through bilateral training, research, and health promotion activities.
Community Health Status Indicators Report
The US Department of Health and Human Services has published the Community Health Status Indicators Report, which contains health indicator data on over 200 measures for every county in the United States.
Cuidado de Salud
The first website in Spanish of its kind to help consumers take control of their health care by connecting them to new information and resources that will help them access quality, affordable health care coverage. President Obama wrote an op-ed in La Opinion and El Diario La Prensa today that highlights the website and the importance of health reform to the Latino community.
EthnoMed contains information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and related topics pertinent to the health care of immigrants to Seattle or the US, many of whom are refugees fleeing war-torn parts of the world. Search the site via culture and clinical topics.