- Who We Are
- Clinician Employment
- Publications
- Witness to Witness (W2W)
- El Premio Kugel & Zuroweste a la Justicia en la Salud
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
Merit Increase or Bonus
To outline procedures for merit increases or bonuses for employees or contractors.
- MeritIncreaseorBonus ( 42 Kb )
Monetary Contributions
To document the receipt of monetary contributions.
- MonetaryContributions ( 37 Kb )
Paying Bills
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for goods or services.
- PayingBills ( 44 Kb )
Payment of State, Federal, and other Taxes
To comply with all federal, state, and other tax laws.
Payroll Checks
To safeguard finances through proper allocation of payroll.
- PayrollChecks ( 40 Kb )
Payroll Records
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payroll.
- PayrollRecords ( 41 Kb )
Personnel Records
To incorporate new employees, or changes to employee information, into the payroll system.
- PersonnelRecords ( 38 Kb )
Professional Fees
To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for support services and fees.
- ProfessionalFees ( 38 Kb )
Purchase Orders and Reimbursing Employees
To outline the procedures for reimbursing employees.
- PurchaseOrdersReimbursingEmployees ( 75 Kb )