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Webinar: 2016 ATS/CDC/IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis
This 90-minute webinar was created for physicians, nurses, and other health professionals who treat and case manage patients with active TB. The webinar introduced the 2016 Official American Thoracic Society/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice Guidelines: Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis. This training highlighted the guidelines development process, the key changes in recommendations, and discussed the evidence supporting the changes. The webinar was originally presented on November 4, 2016.
2016 Tuberculosis & Migration Working Group Report
From the 2016 International Union Against Tuberculosis & Lung Disease Conference
The Century Ahead:Tuberculosis Science, Public Health and Policy
One-Day Symposium
University of California, San Francisco, Laurel Heights Campus
This symposium is intended for scientists, public health professionals and policymakers. The program will feature strategies necessary to contain and eliminate tuberculosis, building upon scientific and public health successes. The event coincides with the centennial of the California state tuberculosis program, established by the legislature in September 1913.
World Atlas of BCG Policies and Practices
Variations in BCG vaccination practices impact the interpretation of TB diagnostics, such as the widely used Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). The World Atlas of BCG Policies and Practices will help clinicians in your country and around the world make better diagnostic decisions concerning TB infection.