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- El Premio Kugel & Zuroweste a la Justicia en la Salud
- Your Voice Matters: Photovoice Project
WEBINAR | Antes de los días de verano, aprenda cómo los Promotores de Salud pueden ayudar en prevenir enfermedades a causa del calor
Fact Sheet- Key Revisions to the Worker Protection Standard
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Worker Protection Standard (WPS) provides basic workplace protections to farmworkers and pesticide handlers to minimize the adverse effects of pesticide exposure. EPA announced major revisions to the WPS in September 2015. MCN and FJ's fact sheet provides a summary of the revised regulation.
- Fact Sheet-Revisions to WPS ( 1 Mb )
Preventing Agricultural Pesticide Exposure: Revisions to the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard
In 2015, for the first time in over 20 years, the Environmental Protection Agency updated the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The WPS provides basic workplace protections for agricultural workers to reduce the risk of pesticide exposre. This issue brief overviews the major revisions that are particularly relevant for clinicians caring for agricultural workers.
- WPS Issue Brief 2016 ( 3 Mb )
WEBINAR Antes de los días de verano, aprenda cómo los Promotores de Salud pueden ayudar en prevenir enfermedades a causa del calor
WEBINAR ¡Es su derecho saber! Ayudando a los Promotores de Salud a promover la seguridad química en el trabajo
WEBINAR Los Promotores de Salud Pueden Hacer una Diferencia en Ayudar a las Personas a Mantenerse Seguros y Saludables en el Trabajo
FECHA DE GRABACION: 30 de Marzo de 2016
PRESENTAOD POR: Ileana Ponce-González, MD, MPH
WEBINAR Protecting Farmworkers: What clinicians need to know about the newly revised Worker Protection Standard
DATE RECORDED: April 13, 2016
PRESENTED BY: Amy K. Liebman, MPA, MA | Virginia Ruiz, JD | Richard Pont | Gayle Thomas, MD
WEBINAR: Workers & Health: How Frontline Providers Make a Difference in the Protection of Migrant Workers and Their Families (BRCHS)
DATE RECORDED: Friday, July 11
PRESENTED BY: Ed Zuroweste, MD. Chief Medical Officer, Migrant Clinicians Network
MCN WEBINAR: Pesticide Poisonings. Are you prepared? (June 2014)
DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, June 17, 2014
PRESENTED BY: Matthew Keifer, MD, MPH, Dean Emanuel Endowed Chair/Director National Farm Medicine Center
Occupational and Environmental Health Concerns: Reproductive Health Among Florida Farmworkers
Health care providers who serve farm communities can positively affect workers’ health through greater understanding of the occupational exposures and risks faced by pregnant women in the agricultural workforce. A community-based participatory research (CBPR) study was consucted with a partnership between investigators from Emory University, the University of Florida, the Farmworker Association of Florida, and the Farmworker Health and Safety Institute.