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MCN WEBINAR: National Conversation: Strengthening the Worker Protection Standard

DATE RECORDED: Wednesday, March 5, 2014


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List of Registered Pesticide Medical Supervisors in California

California's Medical Supervision Program is a biomonitoring program that measures cholinesterase activity in bloog samples from agricultural workers. Employers are required by law to contract with physicians who have registered for this program, all of whom are included in this list.


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WPS Medical Evaluation Resources for Clinicians

Includes EPA manual "How to Comply With the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard For Agricultural Pesticides - What Owners and Employers Need To Know" and an excerpt specifically for clininicians regarding medical evaluation and respirator fit test. See also the medical evaluation questions in English and Spanish.  


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Fact Sheet- Key Revisions to the Worker Protection Standard

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Worker Protection Standard (WPS) provides basic workplace protections to farmworkers and pesticide handlers to minimize the adverse effects of pesticide exposure. EPA announced major revisions to the WPS in September 2015. MCN and FJ's fact sheet provides a summary of the revised regulation.


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Preventing Agricultural Pesticide Exposure: Revisions to the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard

In 2015, for the first time in over 20 years, the Environmental Protection Agency updated the Worker Protection Standard (WPS). The WPS provides basic workplace protections for agricultural workers to reduce the risk of pesticide exposre. This issue brief overviews the major revisions that are particularly relevant for clinicians caring for agricultural workers. 


Thank You for Supporting a Strengthened Worker Protection Standard

Watermelon Farmer

With your help, MCN added more than 17,000 voices to the call for stronger workplace protections for our nation's farmworkers. 


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MCN's Technical Comments for the Worker Protection Standard

On Monday August 18, 2014 MCN submitted technical comments to the EPA regarding the proposed changes to the Worker Protection Standard.  View MCN's recommendations for advancing stronger safeguards to protect farmworkers from pesticide exposure. 


Work Respect Dignity- Maryland Humanities Photography Exhibit: MCN & Earl Dotter

Shared Images and Stories of Maryland’s Eastern Shore Immigrants: Exhibition of Photographs by Earl Dotter and Migrant Clinicians Network

United States

Protect Children in the Fields- Raise the Minimum Age Requirement for Handling Pesticides

The proposed revisions to the Worker Protection Standard have many positive elements and I, along and many others concerned about farm worker health applaud the EPA for this long-awaited proposal.  In particular, for the first time an age requirement has been proposed to determine who is eligible to handle pesticides.  However, for unknown reasons the proposed age requirement has been identified as age 16 when it should be age 18.   There is no rationale to suggest any minor, i.e.

Occupational and Environmental Health Concerns: Reproductive Health Among Florida Farmworkers

Health care providers who serve farm communities can positively affect workers’ health through greater understanding of the occupational exposures and risks faced by pregnant women in the agricultural workforce.  A community-based participatory research (CBPR) study was consucted with a partnership between investigators from Emory University, the University of Florida, the Farmworker Association of Florida, and the Farmworker Health and Safety Institute. 

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