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Cómo Disminuir la Tensión de una Interacción

Cómo Disminuir la Tensión de una Interacción

Your Voice Matters: A Photovoice Project

Compartiendo su historia con los medios / periodistas

Man sharing story with journalist


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MCN's Position on Children Crossing the Border

Published July 15, 2014

MCN holds the position that immigrant children fleeing violence in their home countries must receive priority consideration for their safety and health. We have provided several links with additional resources on this issue.

NCCHCA & HOP Webinar: Teach-With-Stories

Work Respect Dignity- Maryland Humanities Photography Exhibit: MCN & Earl Dotter

Shared Images and Stories of Maryland’s Eastern Shore Immigrants: Exhibition of Photographs by Earl Dotter and Migrant Clinicians Network

United States

Health Across Borders: Migration, Disease, Medicine & Public Health in a Global Age

On September 18-19, 2014, the Center for the History of the New America and the Center for Health Equity at the University of Maryland will co-host a conference exploring the connections between migration, race, disease, and public health. Dr. David Satcher, 16th Surgeon General of the United States, will be the keynote speaker.

United States

2014 Spring Primary Care Conference

Revitalize your professional outlook in the new era of healthcare and start living the change!

Join us this spring in downtown Seattle, WA for our annual conference for leaders, staff, and directors of Northwest community health centers. Alongside more than 350 of your colleagues, you'll discover best practices for successfully implementing the Affordable Care Act with the goal of quality healthcare for all.

United States


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Theater in the Fields: A Guide for Dynamic Outreach with Farmworkers

New bilingual resource available April 2014!

Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF) has been using theater as an educational tool with farmworkers for over twenty years. By drawing on techniques of popular theater, SAF performs culturally appropriate, lively skits and facilitates theater workshops at farm labor camps. These performances spur conversations about mental and physical health, living and working conditions, and farmworker movements for social justice.

Fifth Annual Global Health and Humanitarian Summit (GHHS)

Hello Humanity, a start-up student organization based at Emory University will be hosting the Fifth Annual Global Health and Humanitarian Summit (GHHS) in Atlanta, Georgia. This year's summit will take place on Saturday, April 12th in the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Administration Building (WHSCAB) at Emory University. The entire event is free and open to all.


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