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Update: Prevention of Hepatitis A After Exposure to Hepatitis A Virus and in International Travelers. Updated Recommendations of

MMWR October 19, 2007 / 56(41);1080-1084 (See separate resource listing and link for Q&A about these new recommendations.


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New Mexico Initiative Against Hep C


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Viral Hepatitis and HIV/AIDS Integration: A Resource Guide for HIV/AIDS Programs

The NASTAD Viral Hepatitis Program was funded by CDC to develop a comprehensive model for coordination between HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis programs.


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The Global Fund to Fight TB, HIV and Malaria

The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing.


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Hepatitis Web Study

From the Seattle STD/HIV Prevention Training Center and the University of Washington. This excellent site provides interactive, case-based modules related to the clinical care of persons with Viral Hepatitis A, B, and C. Easy to access!

La Hepatitis entre las poblaciones móviles

Hepatitis B and Reducing Perinatal Transmission: An Overview and Discussion of New Tools

Please join the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) and Hep B United on Thursday, December 19th, from 2:30-4:00 PM EST for a webinar on Hepatitis B and Reducing Perinatal Transmission featuring speakers from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Hep B United.



Nutritional Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of the hour-long session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe how diet plays a key role in CKD management, including the prevention of malnutrition.
  2. Explain the reasons for a changing diet in the progression of CKD.
  3. dentify the key diet components in CKD management, including sodium, protein, phosphorus and potassium.
  4. Educate CKD patients on the key diet components
This webcast is offered at 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time.


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July 2008 Heptalk Listserv

Welcome to the HepTalk Listserv. For July, we offer two articles about immunizing adolescents. Adolescents are often seen by many of you in your clinics for a variety of reasons, from prenatal care to sports physical exams, presenting a good opportunity to see if they have had their Hep B shots.



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August 2008 Heptalk Listserv

In May 2005, near its beginning, the HepTalk Project presented a position paper, "Hepatitis Screening, Immunization and Testing for Mobile Populations and Immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean" It has been updated with new immunization guidelines. This publication clarifies standard hepatitis immunization and testing recommendations for these populations.

HepQuick, also newly updated, incorporates specifics for mobile clients and recent immigrants from the position paper.

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