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CDC Releases report on recent Poliovirus infections among four unvaccinated children in Minnesota ( October 18, 2005)
- Poliovirus infection ( 84 Kb )
Unprotected People #81: Imported case of congenital rubella syndrome diagnosed in New Hampshire, Nov 22, 2005 .
- IAC EXPRESS ( 42 Kb )
IAC revises it's Federal Law! You must give your patients current vaccine information statements (VISs).
- YouMustGiveVIStoPatients012006 ( 73 Kb )
El embarazo y la vacuna contra COVID-19 - tríptico
Immunization Protocol from Waimanalo Health Center
To provide guidelines for a thorough and consistent management of immunizations to our Clients throughout the Waimanalo Health Center.
- 2004+immunization+protocol ( 36 Kb )
Immunization disparities continue to exist in Hispanic populations despite the equity achieved in early childhood rates. Influenza and pertussis are two vaccine preventable diseases for which Hispanic populations in the US are particularly in need of improved coverage.
ImmuNews August 2010
Over the last three years, we have touched on many topics that we hoped would help you as you work to improve immunization rates in your clinic. For the final edition, we return to the important issue of patient-carried immunization records.
- Immunews 0810 ( 79 Kb )