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A Comprehensive Immunization Strategy to Eliminate Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in the United States Part II: Imm
MMWR 2006,55(No. RR-16) Please note: Be sure to include the 3 appendices to get the complete document.
Kids with asthma should get flu shots
Children with asthma should get flu shots to protect them, but only 3 in 10 do, U.S. health officials said.
Women in Government recommends HPV vaccination for girls entering middle school
Following the recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of a vaccine targeting cervical cancer, Women in Government, a national, bi-partisan, non-profit organization representing women state legislators, today recommended that all girls entering middle school be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus (HPV), the cause of cervical cancer. The recommendation is part of the group's new policy recommendations for the HPV vaccine's implementation in the states. The group also supports parental exemptions to the HPV vaccine, based on existing state immunization exemptions.
ACIP Provisional recommendations for prevention of Varicella
In June 2005 and June 2006, the ACIP made policy changes for use of live, attenuated varicella containing vaccines for prevention of varicella.
- VaricellaACIPProvRecom082006 ( 93 Kb )
CDC releases revised interim Tdap VIS. July 17, 2006
CDC released a revised interim Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for Tdap vaccine. It is identical to the previous interim version except for minor changes in Section 3 that reflect ACIP's evolving recommendations regarding use of Tdap during pregnancy.
- vis-tdap 180706 ( 54 Kb )
AHA and ACC recommend Influenza vaccination for patients with Cardiovascular disease
On May 16, 2006, the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) published guidelines for secondary prevention for patients with coronary and other atherosclerotic vascular disease.
ACIP has voted to recommend HPV vaccination for girls and women ages 9-26 years
Immunization Update, July 2006
New ACIP recommendations on HPV and Varicella vaccines. Update Mumps Outbreak.Influenza Season Update.
- IWJuly2006 ( 302 Kb )