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Health and Medical Care among the Children of Immigrants
New research out of Cornell University's College of Human Ecology found that low-income children of immigrants have much poorer health than low-income children of citizens, as reported in a special section of the journal Child Development.
Children's Environmental Health for Health Care Providers
A list of free online resource compiled by the EPA
National Children's Cancer Society
The mission of The National Children's Cancer Society is to improve the quality of life for children with cancer by promoting children's health through financial and in-kind assistance, advocacy, support services, and education.
Childhood Leukemia Foundation (CLF)
CLF provides financial support to eligible families to help cover everything from rent, mortgage payments, food and utility bills, transportation to treatment, and other critical expenses.
Clayton Dabney Foundation for Kids with Cancer
The Clayton Dabney Foundation grants wishes to children in the last stages of terminal cancer. Please visit the website for details.
Komfy Kids
Komfy Kids are therapeutic dolls that have been designed to assist in the psychological well-being of children with hair loss due to cancer, alopecia, or otherwise.
Make A Wish Foundation
Wishes of critically ill children are granted through this program. Child must be between the ages of 2½ -18 years.
Starlight Children's Foundation
Starlight Children's Foundation focuses on improving the quality of life for seriously-ill children and their families. In-hospital and out-patient programs and serivces are available.
Sunshine Foundation
Sunshine Foundation gives groups of seriously ill, physically challenged and abused children up to age 18, a special day in their favorite place. The Foundation's Dreamlifts is also part of the Cops for Kids program to let the special kids interact with real-life heroes.
Wishing Well Foundation USA
The Foundation's single goal is to bring joy to children with life threatening illnesses by providing them with their fondest wish in life.