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Diabetes and Mexicans: Why the Two Are Linked

An essay that appeared in CDC's publication, Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice and Policy, January 2005

MCN Webinar: Manejo del paciente con hipertensión durante emergencias: Experiencia de Puerto Rico durante y despues del huracán María



AAPCHO Webinar: Diabetes Clinical Management & Peridontal Care for Diabetic Patients & Individuals Experiencing Homelessness

This session will focus on providing up-to-date standards of the American Diabetes Association guidelines for screening diabetic patients with periodontal disease, clinical recommendations for treatment and management of patients diagnosed with diabetes, the role of oral health and dental conditions for effective screening, and health center experiences in supporting patients in diabetes management We will also be sharing successful strategies for how health centers have adapted their treatment and managem


AAPCHO Webinar: Health Center Strategies for Diabetes Screening and Prevention for Children and Adults

This webinar will explore diabetes prevention and care strategies across the lifespan.  Presenters will discuss standards of care in the screening and prevention for children, adults, and the elderly, sharing experiences from the field.  Presenters will also engage participants around case examples of successful diabetes prevention programs, adult clinical treatment, and geriatrics care focused on vulnerable populations of children and adults of all ages.  Presenters will connect participants with resources to outreach opportunities and tolls they can apply and adapt for thei


AAPCHO Webinar: Housing Instability and Diabetes Outcomes in Agricultural Workers and LGBT Communities

Join us for the second webinar of our Diabetes in Special and Vulnerable Population:  A National Learning Series focused specifically on addressing diabetes and those affected by it.  This session will focus on identifying the social determinants of health characteristics, how they impact chronic disease management, and the challenges health centers faced in addressing diabetes for these vulnerable mobile communities.


AAPCHO Webinar - Diabetes in Special & Vulnerable Populations: A National Learning Series

Diabetes affects more than 30 million people in the United States. Multi-tiered efforts to prevent, treat and manage diabetes are critical in reducing the burden of diabetes, particularly for medically underserved racial and ethnic minority populations. In addition to higher prevalence, ethnic and racial minority patients with diabetes have higher mortality and higher rates of diabetic complications.  


Proyecto ECHO de MCN (Diabetes): Sesión 1 - Introducción y diabetes y estilo de vida

En nuestra primera sesión, presentaremos a la clínica ECHO y sus objetivos, expectativas, y temas que abordaremos en la serie.  Así como la intoducción de un caso centrado en cómo abordar la diabetes a través de una dieta equilibrada e incorpora el ejercicio en el estilo de vida.  También hablaremos de la autogestión de la diabetes, un programa basado en pruebas médicas que ha demostrado ayudar a los pacientes a reducir su Ig A1C. 



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WEBINAR: Promoting Nutritional Health and Diabetes Prevention in Migration Health ENG

Part 5 of the 6 webinar series: Essential Clinical Issues in Migration Health

DATE RECORDED: June 5, 2014
PRESENTED BY: Katherine Brieger, RD and Elizabeth Magenheimer

View Recorded Webinar


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MCN Monograph Series. Diabetes: Addressing a Chronic Disease in a Mobile Population. Eng/Spn

The Migrant Clinicians Network’s (MCN) mission is to promote the health of farmworkers by providing a framework for professional development to clinicians and other healthcare providers. MCN responds to the expressed needs of clinicians in the field who serve farmworker families, the issues voiced by farmworkers themselves as they are interviewed and known by the representative members of MCN, and the strategic initiatives of the federal and public health communities as they impact migrant health.


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Toward Prevention and Control of Type 2 Diabetes: Challenges at the U.S.-Mexico Border and Beyond

Editorial about the case for taking public health action on the issue of Type 2 Diabetes.

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