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Substance Abuse


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Inscription In Drug Use Among Farm Workers

Excerpts from "Inscription In Drug Use Among Farm Workers," Original (unpublished) research by Dr. Keith Bletzer.

Addressing Structural Vulnerabilities in Healthcare for Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers

The notion of structural vulnerability addresses the challenges of caring for individual patients within the large context of power hierarchies, institutional barriers and economic inequalities. Rooted in teh concept of social determinants of health, understanding structural vulnerablities allows medical students and clinicians to more clearly and critically confront the social structures that make people sick. Migrant and seasonal agricultural workers operate within the cross-section of a number of structural vulnerabilities.


Opiod Use Management Webinar Series, Part 5 - Paving the Path to Recovery

This webinar will examine the fundamental steps for maintaining an opioid-free lifestyle and the role providers and public health professionals toward supporting patients. Our experts will discuss recovery and best practices for maintaining recovery. Speakers will discuss the fact primary care providers should know when treating patients in recovery.

Learning Objectives:
•Identify best practices for treating patients in recovery.
•Review the standard guidelines and protocols for treating patients in recovery.



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Substance Use and Migrant Labor, Part Two

Solid data is rare on migrant substance use. For several decades, the existent studies that had been published only discussed alcohol use [1,2]. Over the past decade, studies published on substances other than alcohol provide data on drug use in relation to other issues, such as HIV risk... Learn More.


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Substance Use and Migrant Labor, Part One

The number of substances reported by 127 farm workers in a study conducted in three southern states (Inscription in Drug Use among Farm Workers) ranged from one (17 persons) to ten/more (6 persons)...Learn More.
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