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May/June 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive
Two successful adult immunization programs are featured, one in Pennsylvania and one in New York. Each involves cooperation between state and local health departments and community clinics in order to provide immunizations, including Hepatitis A and B, to migrant seasonal farmworkers.
- mayjune06 ( 37 Kb )
May/June 2007 Heptalk Listserv Archive
We are sending you just one important resource for May and June, a guide for interpreting immunization schedules from Mexico, including Hepatitis B.
- HeptalkLIstserve mayjun07 ( 13 Kb )
Mayo Clinic: HIV/AIDS
General information and resources on HIV/AIDS
MCN's Migrant and Community Health Centers list
A comprehensive list of Migrant Community Health Centers througout the country.
Merck launches National Advertising campaign for HPV vaccine
Merck & Co., Inc. announced the launch of a national print, television and online advertising campaign for the world's first cervical cancer vaccine, GARDASIL® [Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Recombinant Vaccine]. Adding to Merck's ongoing cervical cancer and HPV education efforts, the new campaign, called One Less, encourages females who are eligible for the vaccine to begin their vaccination series and to also continue to see their doctor for regular healthcare and screening.
- GARDASIL Final DTC Release ( 25 Kb )
Mexican-made “lead-free” bean pots contain high levels of toxic metal
Mexican-made “lead-free” bean pots contain high levels of toxic metal.
MHA: Mental Health America
Find a mental Health professional in your area. Phone: 1 (800) 969-NMHA [6642]
Mission Cataract USA
Volunteer Eye Surgeons' Association, providing free cataract surgery to people of all ages who have no other means to pay. Surgeries are scheduled annually on one day, usually in May. Phone: 1-800-343-7265
National Audio Conference on the Hombres Unidos Project
The National Audio Conference on the Hombres Unidos project was a rousing success on the 15th. There were about 100 folks from across the nation, and every sector of society in the discussion.