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Find a Dentist

Enter the city or zip code for a list of nearby dentists, or search by state.


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First do no harm : Protect patients by making sure all staff receive yearly influenza vaccine!



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First ever Nation-wide Summit of Community Health Center Clinicians meets in Washington D.C. on eve of election to call for Heal

"The National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice was very different from any conference I have attended before. I feel privileged to have attended. I hope this summary imparts some of the passion I gained from this event to both clinicians and staff in community health centers who did not attend, and serve as catalyst for achieving a vision of health equity and justice in our health care system. Here are some highlights." Robert Moore, MD, Medical Director Clinical Ole, Napa, CA


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Health Disparities Collaboratives Library(2)

Health Disparities Collaboratives Library has tools specific to Special Populations including Migrant and mobile underserved populations, such as Cardiovascular Migrant Flow sheets, Diabetes Formulary for Migrants, etc.


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Health Disparities Depression Collaborative

The Health Disparities Collaboratives (HDC), through HRSA - Health Resources and Services Administration, is an integrated and collaborative national effort to eliminate disparities and improve delivery systems of healthcare to all individuals living in the United States under the care of HRSA-supported Health Centers. The Management and treatment of depression is one of the HDC topics.


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Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development lead information


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Healthy People 2010

Challenges individuals, communities, and professionals to take specific steps to ensure that good health, as well as long life, are enjoyed by all.


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Healthy Women Project

This site offers a list of contractors providing services and a map. For information, including sites anywhere in PA offering free or discounted screening, contact Cancer Information Services at 1-800-4-CANCER or 1-800-422-6237.


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Hepatitis A Vaccine versus Immune Globulin for Postexposure Prophylaxis

An article from The New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 357:1685-1694, October 25, 2007 Number 17 by John C. Victor, Ph.D., M.P.H., Arnold S. Monto, M.D., Tatiyana Y. Surdina, M.D., Saida Z. Suleimenova, M.D., Gilberto Vaughan, Ph.D., Omana V. Nainan, Ph.D., Michael O. Favorov, M.D., Ph.D., Harold S. Margolis, M.D., and Beth P. Bell, M.D., M.P.H

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