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American Dental Association - ADA

Professional association of dentists committed to the public's oral health, ethics, science and professional advancement.


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American Dental Hygiene Association

Our members enjoy professional support, educational programs, and numerous opportunities for participation in association decision making. With your support, we can carry out our mission to advance the art and science of dental hygiene, and to promote the highest standards of education and practice in the profession.


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Another Success for Hepatitis A Vaccine

An editorial by Carol J. Baker, M.D. from The New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 357:1757-1759, October 25, 2007, Number 17.


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April 2005 Heptalk Listserv Archive

The focus for the month of April is Hepatitis C. The following links are included below: 1. Screening for Hepatitis C: A Common Sense Approach 2. Hepatitis C in New Mexico: A Public Health Approach to a "Silent" Epidemic 3. A Guide to Understanding Hepatitis C/Guia para Comprender la Hepatitis C 4. Combatting HCV Fatigue 5. Cost Estimates for Hepatitis Tests



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April 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive

1. An Overview of Drinking Water Quality and Water and Sanitation-Related Disease. 2. Agua que hay microbios: Una guia para el cuidado del agua e higiene en el hogar. 3. Una vida sana empieza si hay comida con limpieza: Una guia para el cuidado e higine de los almientos en el hogar. 4. Excerpts from Waterborne Illnesses CME/CE, Sussan K. Sutphen, MD, MEd



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Are Patient-Held Vaccination Records Associated with Improved Vaccination Coverage Rates?

An article that provides a convincing yes to the title question: “Are Patient-Held Vaccination Records Associated with Improved Vaccination Coverage Rates?” The authors of the article, James T. McElligott and Paul M. Darden, conclude that the “Use of patient-held vaccination records is an easily implemented strategy that is associated with increased immunization rates. A greater effect was seen in groups at risk for underimmunization.


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August 2005 HepTalk Listserv Archive

We began in July with information about substance abuse among migrant workers. The current edition is Harm Reduction Strategies for HCV Substance Abusers. Potential substance abuse treatment sites and resources for migrants will follow in September.



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August 2006 Heptalk Listserv Archive

The topic of this resource is Liver Cancer and Hep B and C. We present two articles in full and three abstracts on the issues.



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August 2007 HepTalk Listserv

This month we offer information about an important opportunity to receive adult hepatitis B vaccine resources. In addition, we're pleased to alert you to a case-based hepatitis continuing education offered by one of our CDC partners in the Viral Hepatitis Education and Training program.


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August 2008 Heptalk Listserv

In May 2005, near its beginning, the HepTalk Project presented a position paper, "Hepatitis Screening, Immunization and Testing for Mobile Populations and Immigrants from Latin America and the Caribbean" It has been updated with new immunization guidelines. This publication clarifies standard hepatitis immunization and testing recommendations for these populations.

HepQuick, also newly updated, incorporates specifics for mobile clients and recent immigrants from the position paper.

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