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Farmworker Wins Sexual Harassment Case
In a case that spotlights problems faced by migrant women working on farms, a federal-court jury in Fresno on Friday found one of California’s largest agricultural businesses liable for sexual harassment and awarded its employee nearly $1 million.
Farmworkers, Pregnancy and Pesticides
Palm Beach Post’s page Farmworkers and Pesticides. Excellent artilces on Florida's farmworkers, with special attention to pregnant farmworkers and birth defects.
FDA Approves First U.S. Vaccine for Humans Against the Avian Influenza Virus H5N1
The vaccine could be used in the event the current H5N1 avian virus were to develop the capability to efficiently spread from human to human, resulting in the rapid spread of the disease across the globe. Should such an influenza pandemic emerge, the vaccine may provide early limited protection in the months before a vaccine tailored to the pandemic strain of the virus could be developed and produced
- FDAApprovesVaccineAgainstAviInfluenza ( 34 Kb )
FDA approves New Rotavirus Vaccine, February 9, 2006
FDA licenses new vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer and other diseases in females caused by Human Papillomavirus
FDA licenses new vaccine to reduce older American's risk of shingles, May 26, 2006
IAC revises it's Federal Law! You must give your patients current vaccine information statements (VISs).
- YouMustGiveVIStoPatients012006 ( 73 Kb )