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Initial Maternity Assessment
Sample clinic policy stating that pregnant patients will receive thorough and prompt prenatal assessment and assignment to care
- InitialMaternityAssessment ( 22 Kb )
Injectable Contraceptive Policy
Policy statement for clinics to use for injectable contraceptive medications given to female patients at risk of pregnancy.
- ContraceptiveInjectablePolicy ( 49 Kb )
Medication Refills
Medication refills may be approved by an RN with co-signature of licensed provider, according to the following guidelines.
- 3B.1.09 Medication Refills ( 42 Kb )
New Patient Depo Provera Protocol
Flow chart mapping out new patient Depo Provera Protocol
- 3B.1.30 Depo Provera Protocol ( 25 Kb )
Nicotine Replacement Therapy Protocol for Nurses
To provide guidelines by which the registered nurse may provide Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to patients who are attempting smoking cessation. Research shows that NRT generally increases the rates of smoking cessation, therefore, except in the presence of serious medical precautions, NRT should be encouraged in smokers interested in quitting.
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy Protocol ( 46 Kb )
Nursing Visit
An encounter between a nurse and a patient in which the nurse acts as an independent provider of medical services, under the delegation and supervision of a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant, who has no direct contact with the patient during that visit.
- Nursing+Visit ( 63 Kb )
Nursing: Diabetic patients- Lab Testing Protocol
Measurement of glycemic control, renal function and lipid levels in diabetic patients are important indicators of the quality of the medical treatment and are necessary to guide the treatment of diabetic patients. These tests are required at frequent intervals.
Ongoing Maternity Assessment
Sample clinic policy to assure that pregnant women receive thorough and consistent care throughout pregnancy and postpartum
- OngoingMaternityAssessment ( 26 Kb )
Patient Discharge Medical and Behavioral Health
This policy is created to outline the process for the management and eventual discharge from service of difficult patients. This includes those who are perceived to be difficult with respect to recurrent hostile behavior, inappropriate use of FHC services, excessive non-compliance (including financial obligations), inappropriate use of controlled substances, or other patterns of behavior that represent excessive lack of respect or responsibility on the part of the patient.
- AC-14 Patient Discharge Medical ( 48 Kb )