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HPV: What you should know
Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by human papillomavirus infections. Also present information about the recently licenced human papillomavirus(HPV) vaccines.
Tdap: What you should know
Answers to frequently asked questions about the diseases caused by tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis infections. The sheet also present information about the recently licensed tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)vaccines.
Timerosal: Lo que usted debe saber
A algunos padres les preocupa que el timerosal, un conservante que contienemercurio y se encuentra en la vacuna contra la gripe, provoque autismo. Sin embargo, durante los últimos años, una serie de estudios biológicos y epidemiológicoshan demostrado que esta preocupación no tiene fundamento. A continuación sepresenta un resumen de la evidencia que demuestra que, aunque algunas cosas sà causan autismo, el mercurio de las vacunas no es una de ellas.
Rotavirus: Lo que usted debe saber
En Febrero de 2006, los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) recomendaron una nueva vacuna para proteger a los lactantes contra el rotavirus. El rotavirus provoca fiebre alta, vómitos y diarrea persistentesenniños pequeños, normalmente durante el invierno en los Estados Unidos.
Recommended Immunization Schedules for persons aged 0-18 Years, USA January 2007
Recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0-18 years and the catch-up immunization schedule for 2007 includes HPV and Rotavirus vaccines.
01 A Migrant Farmworker Occupational Health Reference Manual:
Cover Page.
Immunization Update, November 2006
National Influenza Vaccine Summit Newsletter, November 27, 2006
This year, we expect record amounts of influenza vaccine (up to 110-115 million doses) to be available by the end of December. We are also aware that the phased nature of vaccine distribution has resulted in many providers not receiving their full orders of vaccine as early in the vaccination season as they would have liked, making it difficult for them to vaccinate all of their patients during October and early November.
What Can Healthcare Providers Do if They Have Little or No Vaccine During NIVW? November 28, 2006
The purpose of NIVW is to emphasize the importance of influenza vaccination and the need to continue vaccination activities beyond Thanksgiving and into December and January, with providers implementing outreach and offering vaccination prior to, during, and following NIVW that are tailored to the patients they plan to serve and the vaccine supply that they have available.
CDC issues ACIP's General Recommendations on Immunization
The 2006 revision of the General Recommendations features visual
elements, such as diagrams, images, tables. Following are some
of the more notable additions: (1) an updated table of
contraindications and precautions to commonly used vaccines, (2)
images displaying the correct administration site for
intramuscular and subcutaneous injections for infants and
adults, (3) a table outlining the treatment of anaphylaxis, (4)
a table comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various
types of thermometers used to monitor vaccine storage
temperatures, and much more.
New Hampshire Will Offer Free Vaccine To Children For HPV
"The HPV vaccine represents a significant step forward in protecting the health and lives of the women and girls of New Hampshire," said DHHS Commissioner John Stephen. "This represents a small victory in the battle against cancer, and we are thrilled to be able to offer this vaccine. We strongly recommend that all parents consider getting their daughters vaccinated."
Immunization Update, December 2006
Student Action with Farmworkers’ Internship and Volunteer Directory
A listing of farmworker organizations and agencies that are seeking volunteers and interns to support their work.
National Influenza Vaccine Newsletter
To help raise awareness of influenza vaccination recommendations and the importance of continuing vaccination efforts throughout November and beyond, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Influenza Vaccine Summit, partners and stakeholders will be announcing a National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW) from Monday, November 27th through Sunday, December 3rd, 2006.
2006 National Adult immunization week schedule for September 24-30
The NIP website recently posted information about the 2006
National Adult Immunization Awareness Week (NAIAW), which is
scheduled for September 24-30. This year marks the 19th
consecutive observance of NAIAW. In addition, NIP posted a link to the printable version of the NAIAW 2006 Campaign Kit, which was created by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID). To access the kit
from the NFID website, go to: www.nfid.org/pdf/publications/naiaw06.pdf
Summaries of Immunizations recommendations for Children & Adolescents
Summary of Recommendations for Childhood and Adolescent
Immunization (three pages, updated September 2006): Information
was added about the new vaccines for human papillomavirus (HPV)
and rotavirus. In addition, the sections on the following
vaccines were extensively revised: hepatitis B, Td/Tdap,
varicella, MMR, influenza, pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPV),
and hepatitis A.
Women in Government recommends HPV vaccination for girls entering middle school
Following the recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval
of a vaccine targeting cervical cancer, Women in Government, a
national, bi-partisan, non-profit organization representing
women state legislators, today recommended that all girls
entering middle school be vaccinated against the human
papillomavirus (HPV), the cause of cervical cancer. The
recommendation is part of the group's new policy recommendations
for the HPV vaccine's implementation in the states.
Immunization Update, October 2006
Send Pests Packing Comic Book
The English educational comic book was developed by Wake Forest University and offers practical preventative tips to keep unwanted pests away from your home. To view the Spanish version, search for the "Digale Adios a las Plagas Comic Book."
Immunization Update, September 2006
Check the latest news, such as 100 Million doses of Influenza Influenza Vaccine distribution data is being made available to State and local public health officials